Eagle Board of Review
- Council advancement committees must determine—and make known—method(s) for conducting Eagle Scout boards of review
- If conducted at the unit level, at least one district or council representative must serve as a member. If the unit requests it, more than one may do so.
- There shall be no fewer than three and no more than six members, all at least 21 years old. They need not be on an advancement committee or registered with the Boy Scouts of America, but they must have an understanding of the rank and the purpose and importance of the review.
- A board of review may not occur until after the local council has verified the application.
- The chair works with all involved parties to schedule the date, time, and place. Eagle boards are often held in more formal settings than a home or troop meeting site.
- A board of review cannot be denied or postponed due to unresponsive references.
- If a unit leader or unit committee chair fails to approve an application, the candidate is still granted a board of review, but the lack of approval may be considered in the decision.
- To go over the application, references, and service project workbook, members should convene at least 30 minutes before the scheduled board of review.
- Eagle boards generally last 30-45 minutes. This is the highest rank a Scout may achieve; there should be a discussion of his successes, experiences, and future plans.
- An Eagle candidate may have only one board of review. Subsequent action falls under the appeals process.
- The Eagle Scout medal or patch must not be sold or otherwise provided to any unit, nor should the court of honor be scheduled until after the certificate is received at the council service center from the national Advancement Team.
Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday
- An Eagle Scout board of review may occur, without special approval, within three months after the 18th birthday. Local councils must preapprove those held three to six months afterward. To initiate approval, the candidate, his parent or guardian, the unit leader, or a unit committee member attaches to the application a statement explaining the delay.
- To hold a board beyond six months after the 18th birthday, the candidate, his parent or guardian, the unit leader, or a unit committee member must petition the national Advancement Team for authority to do so. The request must explain the delay and how it was beyond the Scout’s control. This must be processed through the local council and sent to the national Advancement Team with a copy of the application. A position statement from the Scout executive, designee, or council advancement committee must be included.
From http://scouting.org/scoutsource/GuideToAdvancement.aspx